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MLP Fluttershy Plush




fluttershy plush for sale! considering offers!

fluttershy id made out of yellow and blush minky. she has machine embroidered eyes, cutie marks, and other details. she is about 15 inches tall including mane and about 16 inches long including tail. there are pipe cleaners in her wings for added support.

price is $350 plus shipping which is either $18 for US or about $45 for international. please note me if interested, thanks :D

also have a few other ponies for sale and I am taking commissions!
MLP Pinkie Pie Plush For Sale by Little-Broy-PeepMLP Rarity Plush by Little-Broy-Peep
Image size
1597x1199px 282.95 KB
© 2016 - 2024 Little-Broy-Peep
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